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What Are “Doctrines of Demons?”

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy… forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods I Timothy 4:1

Number 1- These people speak of beliefs, but are not exercising Faith- have LEFT the Faith actually. (See here for a discussion on the diff between Beliefs & Faith.) Their ideas SOUND spiritual… but they are not. They center on limiting things that feel good, taste good, look good, ARE good… and they call them Unspiritual. In fact, one of the first things a cult will do is split hairs over the re-defining of “Happiness,” “Well-being” and “Joy.” Why? REDIRECTION. They will direct you AWAY from the Common Sense Goals & Solutions of Well-being and Happiness (… intentionally creating deficit?) toward what they define as the more “Noble” goals of “Joy” and “Serving Others” (possibly themselves?) which you’ll soon find out are just bullshit terms for endurance and a good attitude… which you’re definitely gonna need in abundance if you want to cooperate with their Communist (group over individual) Propaganda for any length of time.

But the Good News is… this is NOT the Good News Jesus came to share! And you are not obligated to this type of propaganda at all- in fact, we are obligated to sort out these “doctrines of demons” and not FOLLOW them. They aren’t really very hard to see- they all carry the same type of flavor: Just a bit more hardship than necessary… and a bit more “spiritualness” than is actually spiritual… and a bit more floating and “do-gooding” with a bit more enthusiasm than anyone has who isn’t on crack… Drop them like a HOT ROCK. And get back to exercising Faith and genuine Appreciation for God’s goodness (because you should actually be experiencing some of the Goodness rather than withholding it from yourself and trying to believe that misery is spiritual…)

Belief vs Faith

Replace Bullsh*t “Thankfulness” with Real Appreciation

Maximize Happiness, Minimize Pain

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