Cults Farm Unhappiness Like Pharmaceudical Companies Farm Unhealth
Pharmaceutical Companies make no pretense of Healing or Curing problems in the body. They focus solely on Pain MAMAGEMENT & Symptom MANAGEMENT. They create products that alleviate symptoms of real problems but never address or fix the problem itself. And while you take the drugs to temporarily feel better or introduce a temporary balance, the drugs themselves slowly do damage to a different part of your body and create new problems that will surface down the road… for which you will take more drugs to feel better… which will create new problems… for which you need yet another drug… $$$. Effective customer base… so long as they DON’T NOTICE the correlation between the increase in body drama and the increased subscriptions. Are the drugs designed to kill you right away? Of course not-. That would end the game and be a significant profit loss. They are designed to fail over Time, while you give them your allegiance, your financial contributions and eventually… your life.
Cults operate on the exact same premise- will you see the folly right away? Nope. You’ll Subscribe, get some guilt relief, community support, “God connection,” morality confirmation and assurance of “better things to come”, while you are encouraged to ignore Reality “in faith” and let the problems multiply. But, no worries, you’ll develop an increasing DEPENDENCE on the very System that’s helping create them- while they pat you on the back for your “goodness” …and pocket your Subscription. But you won’t ever suspect that this was actually DESIGNED TO FAIL, because, built into the constantly blaring propaganda, is the idea that “cure” isn’t even possible- nor spiritual- you know, …Happiness is elusive and “fleshly” – take the higher road and be “Joyful” and… when it all caves in we’re just “sinners” anyway and all we really ever needed was …Grace. Hey… have another toke… And your Church Group will provide plenty of co-sinners to commiserate with (because nobody in these groups ever really solves the problems… !!) And you will console yourself with the idea that you’re “not alone” and that God loves your sacrifice (because after all, you’ve come this far and you couldn’t POSSIBLY be wrong… could you? You and ALL these others with failing health & failing relationships?) Let’s just count our blessings and be glad we still have our legs left, even though our heart and soul have failed us…
“Doctrines of Demons”– are philosophies that SOUND GOOD but they are twisted and will never bear good fruit. Like a successful Pharmaceutical Company, they are DESIGNED to fail over Time. Swallow the hard pill of Reality and believe that Jesus came to give us SOMETHING BETTER. Problems really DO have answers. You were made for Health, Healing, Blessing …and War. You won’t find your freedom, nor will you find your Answers sitting in those pews. They SAY that we were designed for Relationship with God and Others, but when we don’t submit it to their Control, their Group Ethic and their approval, they will be the ones to cause us to doubt the Life inside us and forsake the road of Faith. Faith is not the same as Belief. Even the demons BELIEVE… and they tremble… Faith is the Power to ACCOMPLISH the unseen- NOT the endurance to sit in the misery of things you cannot CHANGE.
God has given us His Spirit of Power, Love… and a Sound Mind. We need them ALL to navigate this road.