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Communism In The Church?

“From his neck down a man is worth a couple of dollars a day, from his neck up he is worth anything that his brain can produce.” Thomas Alva Edison

Core Communist philosophy is simple. It has to do with where Human Value comes from. Communism states that Individuals get Value FROM the Group. God states that Individuals HAVE Value because they got it from Him. So in God’s real Community, it’s the Individuals who bring Value to the Group, not the Group that GIVES Value to the Individuals.

What difference does it make?

The Core Communist Goal is to control Human Assets… via their philosophy on Human Value.

God declares that each Human HAS Value. They got it from Him and it does not change- it cannot be increased nor decreased. A beautiful person has no more Value than a person who is not beautiful. The beautiful person has an Asset- a gift they should be thankful for, which will probably be of some Benefit to themselves, but they have NO INCREASED VALUE from the gift – only increased Opportunity. It’s an Asset.

Communism appeals to the masses who have a low sense of their own Value (and it appeals to Rulers who want to collect Assets). Communism states that humans have no intrinsic Value – they only have Assets. They claim that the Group has Value and can GIVE some of that Value to lowly Subscribers. In exchange for the Value “given”, Subscribers owe their Assets… to the “Group.” (Groups can’t TAKE assets, only people can, so where do the Assets go…?) You can see why Communism doesn’t really value the elderly, handicapped, infirm, etc.- they don’t add many Assets to the Group.

In God’s economy, Community gets it’s Value from the Valuable Humans who JOIN rather than the other way around. And of course, nobody OWES a Group that they join and bless with their Value, so they are free to TRADE THEIR ASSETS, while retaining full Ownership of them.

What Does This Have To Do With Christianity?

Remembering that Communism is Asset driven and accomplishes domination by tearing down Human Value, consider the false “gospel” that is often heard in Churches: They leverage themselves over the “lost” (Non-subscribers) by emphasizing that they are “losers, sinners, worthless, unholy…” and really, that won’t ever change (thanks to our “sin-nature…”), but they WILL be forgiven and “accepted” (just as they are…) once they JOIN. The truth is, the converts will STAY powerless in that economy (even though Jesus died to give us a Spirit of “POWER, LOVE & A SOUND MIND”) because it’s their GOAL. And it will be preached. They will learn to be accepting of their powerlessness instead of learning how to wield Power. Why? They’re being proselytized into bringing their Assets in exchange for the “Value” they’re receiving. Because they’ve never heard the REAL Gospel- that they ALREADY HAD VALUE- That humans are “Lost Treasures,” and are seen, heard and Loved by an amazing God! That we weren’t born for Guilt Manipulation, Obligation and Duty, but we are to be moved by Wisdom, Understanding and Love.

“Know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

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