Art Keeps Me Honest
When I throw clay God talks to me about all the Realities of Living- Pliability, Patience, Gentleness, Resistance, Pressure… When I paint, God reveals to me what’s there. I am a Metaphoric Thinker. So He works with me through concepts/ Pictures. And I see Problems I didn’t know existed… and then Answers I couldn’t have Imagined.
Does He work with EVERYONE this way? I think not- but really- it’s possible. We’re all Creators- made in His Image and there’s an accountability in the work of our hands. It does or doesn’t “work.” It is or isn’t Real… or Functional, or Sensible… or Connecting. Bad Art is Bad Philosophy selling you lines that will fail you in Reality. Keep your eyes open- Test all things. Hold fast to the Good and reject the Bad. This will keep you on your feet.