Communism Redefines Love
Where the Sickle and the Cross Meet.
Communism says that Love is a One Way Street. Why? Because they are recruiting people who will keep doing the “Good” they want them to… No Matter What” – Unconditional Love. And the Rulers CLAIM (loudly) that they also (FIRST) agree to this One Way Street- they will keep up their “Goodness”… no matter what. They, for their part, will collect and redistribute all Assets equally (that is, the LEFTOVER Assets that have first trickled through their fingers.) And they are good on their word- that whatever is “Left Over” from the collection process gets equally distributed among the commoners. Yes. And the Faithful Subscribers will/ SHOULD continue Believing and endeavoring to WORK for and COOPERATE with the Group… WHOLE heartedly.
Slight problem… Love is actually a 2 Way Street- says God (who should KNOW since He IS Love and He created us to WALK in Love.) Easy to overcome for Communists who have conveniently thrown the whole concept of “God” out the window. But for those who Believe, it’s almost equally simple to overcome when the concept of Unconditional Love is tucked into “chrisianity.” It SOUNDS good. It even has the original word IN it. Must be True. …Except, not only is the phrase “Unconditional Love” NOT IN THE BIBLE- but the CONCEPT is also entirely missing …and then, it also COMPLETELY CONTRADTICTS what God says the POINT of Love is – Consumation. God clearly declares that the Consummation of Love is His POINT in offering us His Love – and that this 2 Way Street is what He created mankind for and what He is seeking IN us and FROM us- Companionship & Love Returned. Love must be freely Given AND freely Returned to be Consummated. It hinges on Choice- freewill for both parties, and absolutely requires the Agreement of Two- not One.
So then, there are 2 Concepts embedded in one Word- Love Offered and Love Consummated. With just one party, the Offer of Love can be- Kindness, Goodwill, Righteousness, Wisdom, Mercy… even Grace- Love Offered… but not Love Consummated. We all know that a One Sided, FORCED consummation of “Love” would be Rape. But repackaged under Communist “Christianity” we just call the doctrine of One-sided Love “Unconditional” (even though it’s NOT) and talk about the “Benefits”, ignoring Love Returned and Freewill entirely- I mean- WHO ARE WE to RESIST God? (And then, if the same is returned… Who is HE to resist US? …THAT gets interesting. Kind of multiplies the “genie in the sky” concept.) So in Church we are taught to COMPLY, but not Respond (EXACTLY what God DOESN’T want- and neither does anybody else…) Response takes both knowing ourselves and knowing HIM. They write off “knowing ourselves” as “New Age” but somehow get hung up in the concept of “Choice” and do some cartwheels around the word until everyone is thoroughly confused and willing to just WRITE “Unconditional Love” INTO OUR BIBLES… to explain the whole thing- and call it “Good.”
If the Love that God came to bring really WERE one sided and could be performed entirely by ONE party, then the whole world would already be saved- because Jesus clearly died for the whole world, and paid the COMPLETE price for ALL SIN- yet still, each Individual has to CHOOSE Him or the Price is not applied to their account. The Consummation of Love actually requires Freely Given and Freely RETURNED- not just Received… as is the preaching of some.- but Received AND Returned. Strangely, one sided Love puts a slight shift of focus onto Self Performance rather than Connecting with the other person. And when we take our eyes off of the EFFECT our actions are having on someone else- we start to actually IGNORE the person we are “loving.”
This concept of “One-Sided Love” encompasses the WHOLE Mystery of “Once Saved- Always Saved” or “Once Consummated/ Always Consummated.” Do you really think that for God, ONE ACT of Consummation“(One Act of Believing) equates to the Eternal Companionship and Love He is looking for? Marriage wasn’t created to be a One Act thing. It was created to be continual, and we were to know God, His Nature and His requirements from the simple, yet easily observable nature and requirements of human relationship. But once Communism enters the picture, the simplest things become “so hard to understand” because they want PASSIVE Acceptance and even Rape, to camouflage for “Love Fulfilled” SO THEY CAN GO ON WITH THE COLLECTION OF ASSETS. Get it? Bad Philosophy is Asset driven. And it moves forward, creating Personal ramifications (for which they will gladly distribute Pharmaceuticals to curb people’s depression …and fleece the flock yet AGAIN), while everyone in the Church struggles to keep up Compliance …trying desperately, to be… “Faithful.”